Germany is shrinking. Not physically, it remains solidly located straddling northern Europe, connecting east with west. But the population is declining and at an alarming rate. By 2050 the number of Germans could have reduced from 82 to a mere 70 million. Given that they are the only mob in this neck of the woods that seem to have much of an idea on how to run a prosperous modern economy, that is worrying not just for politicians in Berlin but for all of us.
I may have a solution. Just a few miles – sorry, kilometres – across the North Sea is a political entity with many of the attributes required to give Germany the additional economic bandwidth it needs to stay in pole position.
Yorkshire. Ripe for independence from the UK and ideally located to sign an economic cooperation treaty with Germany once Chancellor Merkel has kicked the Euro into touch.
For those of you unfamiliar with Yorkshire, let me give you some of the key data. It is the largest of England’s counties with a population of nearly six million people. In the west and south it has significant industrial capacity. Yorkshire was – if not the cradle, then most definitely – the kindergarten of the industrial revolution. In the north it has landscapes so sublime they make you weep in awestruck wonder and ecclesiastical architecture that would cause even the most hardened atheists to drop to their knees.
Yorkshire has a great sporting pedigree and would have ranked twelfth in the London 2012 medal table had it competed as an independent state. It even has a monarch-in-waiting: heptathlon champion Jessica Ennis would make an ideal Queen. Universally loved, modest and optimistic, she would be the perfect head of state.
It has traditionally enjoyed good relations with Germany and northern Europe not least because of the number of times it has been invaded by Saxons and Danes. And it will pull its weight in terms of national security – a walk around Sheffield bus station or Doncaster market place late on a Saturday night will demonstrate that it can take care of itself on that score.
It has fantastic natural resources – clean carbon technology will allow Yorkshire’s vast coal reserves to be productive once more – a great transport network and a world class super-port in the east in Hull. In short, it will be an ideal partner for Germany or indeed any country that regards a modern industrial capability as being an important ingredient in a successful mixed economy. Britain did, Germany does.
Yorkshire has a similar size population to Singapore. There is a good argument that the successful countries of the future will be small, nimble and easier to govern. Why do you think the Chinese have been so careful to allow Hong Kong (population seven million) to maintain its autonomy? Because well governed small countries that figure out their comparative advantage, exploit their geographical location or natural resources judiciously and are open to the world will be the real winners in the future.
Singapore is the prime example of such a country and often the role model for other small countries aiming to be a strategic regional hub. The UAE wants to fulfil this role linking Asia with Europe and Panama has similar if less grandiose ambitions connecting North with South America. Iceland thought it could be a North Atlantic stepping stone until it discovered that success was built on too shaky foundations. And one day Zimbabwe might play this role in Southern Africa.
It might be difficult to imagine Zimbabwe as a beacon of good governance emulating Singapore. But one day, possibly quite soon, it will pick itself up and start planning for a more edifying future. In the meantime, preparations for the coronation of Queen Jessica in York Minster will continue.